Parenthetical elements are dominated by a node labeled PRN. When punctuation marks setting off a parenthetical element are present, (i.e., dashes, parentheses (-LRB- and -RRB-)) they are contained within the PRN node. The nature of parenthetical elements is varied: A parethetical element may be a side remark, an addition of detail, or it may be functionally equivalent to a sibling word.
( (FRAG (NP (NPR 東方仗助)
(PRN (-LRB- ()
(NP (NPR ひがしかたじょうすけ))
(-RRB- )))))
(ID 9_wikipedia_JOJO))
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *pro*)
(PP (NP (N 津波))
(P を))
(NP-OB1 *を*)
(VB 防御)
(VB0 し)
(AXD た))
(NPR 仙台東部道路))
(P の))
(N 内陸側))
(P に))
(VB 立地)
(VB0 する)
(PRN (SYM =)
(NP (NPR 仙台市)
(NPR 若林区)
(NPR 荒井東))))
(ID 34_news_KAHOKU_78))
Appositive relationships between NPs are annotated using PRN:
( (IP-MAT (PP (NP (PRN (NP (PP (NP (PP (NP (NPR 東北))
(P の))
(N 空))
(P の))
(N 玄関口)))
(PU ・)
(NPR 仙台空港))
(P は))
(NP-SBJ *)
(PU 、)
(CL 年))
(CL 月)))
(P の))
(N 民営化方針))
(P が))
(NP-SBJ2 *が*)
(VB 正式決定)
(VB0 し)
(AXD た)
(PU 。))
(ID 86_news_KAHOKU_78))
Frequently a PRN will be sister to either a proper noun (NPR) or a pronoun (PRO), the pair being dominated by an NP.
In principle PRNs can dominate any sort of category. In appositive relationships the PRN will dominate a category X and be dominated by the same category X.
( (IP-MAT (NP-SBJ *speaker*)
(NP-OB1 *pro*)
(SYM ◎)
(PP (NP (PRN (NP (N せんだいメディアテーク館長)))
(PU ・)
(NPR 鷲田清一氏))
(P に))
(VB 聞く))
(ID 91_news_KAHOKU_39))