A matrix clause is labelled IP-MAT. The pairing of a subject (either overtly expressed in the annotation or not) and a predicate together projects a clause (IP, or “inflectional phrase”). Typically, a clause has one main predicate, of which there are four types: verb (VB), い-adjective (ADJI), な-adjective (ADJN) with copula (AX), and nominal predicate (NP-PRD) with copula (AX). The annotation does not invoke a VP level, and so IP structure is typically flat, with clause level constituents represented at the same level as main predicate material.
( (IP-MAT (PP (NP (NPR 花子))
(P が))
(NP-SBJ *が*)
(VB 泣い)
(AXD た)
(PU 。))
(ID 1823_misc_JSeM_beta_150530))
( (IP-MAT (PP (NP (D この)
(N 料理))
(P は))
(NP-SBJ *)
(ADJI おいしい)
(PU 。))
(ID 1358_misc_JSeM_beta_150530))
‘Kim is clever.’
( (IP-MAT (PP (NP (NPR キム))
(P は))
(NP-SBJ *)
(ADJN 有能)
(AX だ)
(PU 。))
(ID 1442_misc_JSeM_beta_150530))
‘Mary is female.’
( (IP-MAT (PP (NP (NPR メアリー))
(P は))
(NP-SBJ *)
(NP-PRD (N 女性))
(AX で)
(VB2 ある)
(PU 。))
(ID 1053_misc_JSeM_beta_150530))
In principle phrases (rather than words) combine with predicates under IPs to compose clauses with complex meanings.
In addition to core predicative material (verb, い-adjective, な-adjective + copula, nominal predicate + copula), a small number of other word level constituents can be immediately dominated by IP. These are: coordinating conjunctions (CONJ), single-word interjections (INTJ; see section 33.1), auxiliary verbal morphology (PASS, AX, etc.), sentential negation (NEG), modals (MD) and particles (P; see section 8.8).
‘This means he was not at the scene at the time of the crime.’
( (IP-MAT (CONJ つまり)
(PU 、)
(PP (NP (PRO 彼))
(P は))
(NP-SBJ *)
(PU 、)
(PP (NP (N 犯行時刻))
(P に)
(P は))
(PU 、)
(PP (NP (N 現場))
(P に))
(VB い)
(NEG なかっ)
(AXD た)
(MD わけ)
(AX です)
(PU 。))
(ID 662_textbook_kisonihongo))
Segmentation policy chunks modals fairly liberally. Many of the segmentation decisions are inherited from the system used for BCCWJ and CSJ (see section 4). Modals never project a phrase.
( (IP-MAT (PP (NP (NPR 太郎))
(P は))
(NP-SBJ *)
(PP (NP (NPR 花子))
(P ぐらい))
(PP (NP (N 背))
(P が))
(NP-SBJ2 *が*)
(ADJI 高い)
(MD かもしれない)
(PU 。))
(ID 1612_misc_JSeM_beta_150530))